Rassegna Stampa – Lancio della V Call for Ideas

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Rassegna stampa annuncio nuovo Presidente ed ingresso nuove startup

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IV Call for Ideas

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Il modello di digitalizzazione e il ruolo del BPO – La IV CallForIdeas. InsuranceUp intervista Gian Franco Baldinotti, Presidente di Vittoria hub

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Rassegna Stampa Lancio E-Market Vittoria Assicurazioni

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Rassegna stampa Call for Ideas 2021-2022

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Rassegna Stampa Ingresso nuova startup

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Rassegna stampa Nuove Nomine

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The first Vittoria Hub Anniversary and the first Inverstor Day

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]To ce...
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Rassegna stampa Call for Ideas

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Rassegna stampa Presentazione Startup

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Rassegna stampa Lancio Vittoria hub

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The fifth Call for Ideas is open

Startups with a scalable business model and which at a technological level demonstrate a highly innovative direction towards Foundation Models for the Insurtech sector will be given priority. Startups that use (for example and not exclusively) Large Language Models (LLM) and Large Vision Models (LVM), also in combination with each other, for the generation of intelligent chatbots, for synthetic datasets and for innovative forms of profiling support, for the personalization and automation of the offer of insurance products.