For Vittoria hub, an Insurtech ecosystem is made up of an integrated and well-orchestrated set of services and technologies to provide consumers with prevention, assistance and emergency services, remedy and monitoring and insurance.
In the ecosystem, a customer may access any service any time, by entering, exiting and using it without barriers according to one’s needs.

For there to be an insurance, an object is needed, identified in a precise manner, that may be likely to be subject to a specified event.

Types of services that may be provided
All services provided to anticipate or prevent a specific event are called prevention services.
All services provided upon occurrence of an event or immediately after it are called assistance and emergency services.
All services provided after an event, aimed at fixing, repairing damage or healing, are called remedy services.
All services provided to control the ecosystem are called monitoring services.
An Insurtech system is the harmonized and well-orchestrated set of these systems, combined with traditional or innovative insurance solutions (e.g. instant insurance, insurance on demand, pay per event/use, subscription insurance, peer2peer/social insurance), which enables customers to enter it by starting from any service and to evolve and exit without barriers, according to their needs.

Service-enabling technologies
We support the startups to develop and integrate solutions with interoperable technologies, which enable to design new services.
Thanks to the integration of services in different touchpoints of the customer journey, the end customer will be enabled to access all services provided at any stage of the insurance process, in an omnichannel context.

Insurance sectors
There are 4 insurance sectors on which Vittoria hub project is focused:
The project introduces innovative products and services and new distribution models in these sectors.
We plan and design new methods, approaches, instruments and technologies for the customer acquisition, customer engagement and customer relationship management, both in terms of B2C and B2B2C.

Our Method
Our method is based on the co-creation by more players, favoured by an API ecosystem Sandbox model in which Vittoria Assicurazioni, startups and partners of Vittoria hub expose the following services to the market:
The Project
Vittoria Assicurazioni operates in all risk sectors and its business is based on an extensive experience gained from 1921 to date, in the insurance field for the protection of people, families and firms.
The company soundness is guaranteed by the shareholding quality and professionalism of the widespread distribution network.
In 2019, Vittoria Assicurazioni developed an Insurtech Incubator called Vittoria hub – a project dedicated to the Open Innovation, to foster the circulation of ideas and the growth of new insurance business models.
Vittoria hub is aimed at attracting investors, technological partners and innovative startups in one centre to foster the Open Innovation in the Insurtech sector.
Vittoria hub wants to accelerate the startups in their path, from idea to industrial maturity – a necessary precondition for Vittoria Assicurazioni to bring an ecosystem supply to the market.