The scope for innovation concerning the “Property” implies the different contexts in which families own or use the property (e.g. First home owned, Second home, Rental property, Private property rented; Private property available, Commercial properties, etc.) and is aimed at creating an Ecosystem of services which enables to satisfy the basic needs such as asset protection, support in asset management, maximization of wellbeing by creating the built-in value proposition based on the partnerships between Vittoria Assicurazioni and startups.

One example is that the insurance policy is connected to the services of monitoring, preventing and repairing the fixed systems inside the property (or appliances/entertainment systems).

The built-in system enables the customer to save also the “emotional loss” linked to the claim, as this is avoided or managed by means of on-call emergency services that, besides limiting the damage, prevents the customer to handle emergencies and to anticipate (or bear) the cost of these services. Furthermore, from the company’s point of view, this is clearly a benefit in terms of technical result of policies for the reduction of number and gravity of claims, because prevention and repair/remedy services are integrated.

By applying the same model to other service areas (security, home on-site and remote management, etc.), the customer may “delegate” efficiently the organization of key aspects of management and protection of the house, as well as the emergencies connected and has a single interface to manage, protect and control the property.

Applicant startups can have differentiated profiles in relation to the two main dimensions: technology of prevention/care/recovery/engagement and service model.

The access to each stage will be subject to a merit ranking by CTS (the Technical Selection Committee) of Vittoria hub based on impartial criteria of uniqueness, innovation and sustainability of models reached and proven by startups at any stage; prizes will be provided in the form of Convertible Loans, convertible into equity at the market value at the time of financing rounds.